agape agape agape agape agape agape agape agape agape
YOU alone are the GOD of restoration
and we call on YOU FATHER GOD
to wrap YOUR hands of restoration
around the body of Julia Leach.
Restore her body and allow her to
live the remainder of her years free
of pain, suffering and sickness.
FATHER, we ask this of YOU
in JESUS name, Amen"

thank YOU so much for the Momma YOU provided
me with. As YOU know, my Momma walked great
distances when I was a little boy to her job so my
siblings and I could eat and have a home to live in.
She cooked, cleaned, bathed us, picked up after us,
she drove us to the doctor when we were sick, I don't
know if YOU wanted her to but when I yelled "TURBO
MOMMA" while she was driving she would floor it
and throw me back in my seat where I was supposed
to be. FATHER, restore the body of Juanita Humphrey,
my Momma and let her too live without pain, sickness
and suffering as I am CERTAIN YOU would agree she
is deserving of such. I ask this of YOU in
JESUS name, Amen"

Thank YOU so much for the amazing wife YOU
have blessed me with. I have not always been
deserving of her love but she never stopped
providing it. It was by her example that I came
to know JESUS. I wanted YOU to know that she
is the best wife on the planet and has ALWAYS
earned my love. Please invade her body with
YOUR healing hands and restore her back,knee's,
shoulder's and any other areas in need of mending.
I know only JESUS was perfect but Julia is perfect to
me and is very deserving of this restroration so
I ask this of YOU now, in JESUS name, Amen"

Thank YOU so much for all that YOU do!
As YOU are aware I have a co-worker in need of
either YOUR healing hands, YOUR Loving heart,
or Mighty strength. No details were given or asked
for. Prayers were requested with no questions asked
so here I am praying for the help my co-worker is
in need of. Restore them, guide them and comfort
them. Give them what they need and protect them
from future attacks from the enemy! I ask this of YOU,
in JESUS name, Amen"
YOU have truly blessed me so much! YOU
provided me with the greatest parents a child
could hope for. FATHER, Bless my earthly
Father Oliver Humphrey and restore his
vision and hearing so he can enjoy the
wonders YOU have created for him to
see and hear. FATHER, I ask this of
YOU in JESUS name, Amen"